1. Parent Effectiveness Service – It is a provision and expansion of knowledge and skills of parents and caregiver on parenting to be able to respond to parental duties and responsibilities on the areas of early childhood and development, behavior management of younger and older children, husband – wife relationships, prevention of child abuse, health care, and other challenges of parenting.

2. Pre – Marriage Counseling (PMC) – is mandated by law that all engaged couples are required to attend PMC before they are issued a marriage license, PMC session is provided by trained counselors from the office of MSWD, Agriculture and Municipal Health Office.

3. Responsible Parenthood Service – It provides clear concepts on responsible parenting, duties and responsibilities of parents, the essence and meaning of children as well as their rights, family formation, family health, parent – child relationship. This is to be given to couples with priority to those who have large family size and those with weak marital relationship.

4. Empowerment and Reaffirmation of Paternal Abilities (ERPAT) – This program envisions responsible Filipino fathers who are committed, disciplined, knowledgeable, and are highly appreciative in carrying out effective paternal roles and responsibilities. ERPAT has 10 modules and the worker will conduct modular sessions to the organized ERPAT groups for a minimum of two days.

5. Social Services to Solo Parents Provision of Solo Parent I.D Card – Solo parent need to fill up an application form for the issuance of solo parent I.D card. They also have to submit the required documents to support their application. After the assessment of the social worker, so parent I.D will be issued free of charge. The solo parent I.D has a 1 year validity period.

6. Self-Employment Assistance para sa Kaunlaran (SEA – K) – is one of the modality of the Sustainable Livelihood Program of DSWD. This is a provision of capital assistance amounting to individuals or group who wants to engage in income – generating projects with initial maximum grant is 10,000.00 per individual.

7. Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) – this is a provision of limited financial assistance to individuals and families whose normal functioning has been hampered due to difficult situation brought about by dysfunctional situations that may be caused by poor health conditions, natural and man – made calamities and other crisis situations.

8. Community Volunteer Resource Development (CRVD)


Internally displaced persons are people or groups of people who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes or places of habitual residence, as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human made disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognized state border.

1. Food for Work/Cash for Work – Is one of the components of the post disaster rehabilitation activities. This is a provision of food packs to individuals/family who do “pahina” in exchange to their effort in rendering community volunteer works in restoring the damaged houses and other social infrastructure.

2. Emergency Shelter Assistance (ESA) – is a limited financial assistance given to disaster affected families whose houses were totally and partially damaged. The assistance given is intended to buy housing materials like lumber, nails, galvanized iron or nipa shingles, etc.

3. Core Shelter Assistance – this is a provision of permanent houses that can withstand a wind velocity of 180 kph to victims of calamites. The construction of the core shelter houses is a self – help where the beneficiary is provided with P70,000.00 worth of housing materials.

4. Balik Probinsya – this is a provision of financial assistance for transportation of clients stranded in a certain place who wished to go back to their respective provinces.

5. Psycho – Social Support – individuals or group counselling to individuals or groups in crisis situation who needs psychosocial intervention to cope with the present condition whose normal functioning had been hampered brought about by dysfunctional situations that maybe caused by poor health conditions, natural and man – made calamities and other crisis situations.


1. Early Childhood Care and Development Service – this refers to the full range of health, nutrition, early education, psycho – social and other services that provide for the holistic needs of children as defined and implemented at national and local level which is established under R.A. 6972.

2. Supplementary Feeding Program – this is a provision of food in addition to the regular meals to target children as part of the DSWD’s contribution to the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) program of the government.

3. School Subsidy Program – this is a commitment of the LGU to shoulder the mandatory school contribution of Grades 4-6 in all the elementary schools of the municipality.

4. Community Intervention for CICL – a systematic social protection program for children that are designed and intended to promote the physical and social well-being of the children; avert or prevent juvenile delinquency from occurring and stop or prevent children from re – offending.

5. Diversion for CICL – is an alternative, child appropriate process of determining the responsibility and treatment of a child in conflict with the law, on the basis of the child’s social, cultural, economic, psychological or educational background, without resorting to formal court proceeding. Diversion under the law shall be done, if the child is above 15 years old, acted with discernment and committed an offense with a penalty of not more than six years imprisonment.

6. Unlad Kabataan Program – this aims to build the capabilities of the youth to become partners of agencies in the delivery of services related to youth and development.

7. Drug Abuse Prevention Program
8. Adoption
9. Foster Care


1. livelihood Program for PWD
2. Issuance of PWD I.D Card – as a mandate, the office has to issue PWD I.D card after being assessed/validated by the Municipal Health Officer. The PWD I.D serves their valid identity in availing PWD benefits. The PWD I.D card is issued to them free of charge.
3. Provision of Assistive Device – this is provided by donor agencies/Institutions depending on the needs of the PWD’s.
4. Early Detection and Prevention of Disability
5. Referral Services
6. Tuloy Aral Walang Sagabal for Children with Disabilities


1. Self Enhancement Skills Development – this is a modular activity for the women to discuss topics on Puberty and Menstruation; Pregnancy, Delivery, Breastfeeding and Birth Spacing; Proper Weaning; Common Health Problems of Women; Communicable Diseases of Women; Breast examination and danger signals of cancer.

2. Productivity Skills Capacity Building – this is a modular activity for the women to discuss Leadership Skills Development; Basic Business Management Skills Development; Small Business Enterprise and Entrepreneur; Project Proposal Preparation; Filter to Effective Communication; Capital Assistance; Ingredients of a Successful Business; Pagbabayad sa Utang; and Mga paraan sa Pagbabayad ng Utang sa Samahan.

3. Maternal and Child Care – part of the modular activity that discusses Early Childhood Disorders and Growth Monitoring and Promotion.

4. Livelihood – provision of opportunities to engage in productive undertakings either thru open or self – employment, job referral, counseling, self – employment assistance.

5. Residential Care Facility for Women in Especially Difficult Circumstances – provision of temporary shelter or residential care or group homes to women while working for their eventual return to their families if indicated.

6. Community Participation – mobilization of women to create opportunities to relate and interact with other women in the community.

7. Counseling – provision of opportunities for women and resolve their own problems of relationship by identifying their strength and weaknesses towards more effective social functioning.


1. Social Pension for Indigent Senior Citizen and Other Special Support.
2. Livelihood
3. Spiritual Enhancement
4. Recreational Services
5. Volunteer Resource Service
6. Medical and Dental Services


Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program – is a poverty reduction measure of the Philippine Government that focuses on human capital investment to the poor households. It is a developmental program that uses Conditional cash Transfer to poor households based on their compliance with verifiable conditions that have been identified and agreed upon by the beneficiaries.

Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) – the SLP of DSWD provides identified poor and vulnerable families and individuals the appropriate income generating opportunities to help improve their level economic sufficiency.

Social Pension – the provision of P500.00 per eligible indigent senior citizen through the regular budget of the DSWD in cash payment of a special disbursing officer designated by the field office thru an approved payroll for a given quarter subject for liquidation within 15 days upon payment.

Supplementary Feeding – is the provision of food (hot meal) in addition to the regular meals to the target children as part of the DSWD’s contribution to the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) program of the government.